ElleVet Sciences Mobility Chews

When @pupfluence reached out for a chance to try a new mobility treat, we were all in. Philomena got to check out @ellevetsciences Mobility chews. And by check out. I mean she ate them, so much so that when she saw the bag she would get crazy excited.
Since Philomena wears a brace all day, having a way to deal with any discomfort is key. We take all the steps we can, but when we get a chance to add another layer of comfort is key!

We tried them out for almost 3 weeks to see the difference and she definitely showed a little more sass than usual, which happens when she is more mobile and able to get around. As you can see when she was wearing her dress, it was a bit harder to have her simply sit when the Mobility Chews were out.

So, living up to their mobility name!

Penny tried them too and she flapped her happy legs all over the place frantically whenever the bag came out.

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